Rocky Roads

If you are lucky enough to have left over easter eggs, why not make some Rocky Roads. They are chocolatey, gooey with a whole lot of crunch. The best thing is you can add whatever you like, but my favourite has to be marshmallows for that gooeyness.

The best thing about making these sweet treats means there is no cooking involved, it just needs to set in the fridge for a few hours or overnight.


  • Your left over easter eggs

Choice of fillings – add just enough to be fully coated with the amount of chocolate you have from your melted easter eggs.

Here are a few suggestions, but biscuits and marshmallows are a must!

  • Biscuits – digestives or rich tea work well
  • Mini marshmallows
  • Mini eggs
  • Sultanas or raisins
  • Rice krispies
  • Chopped nuts
  • Icing sugar for dusting


  1. Break up the chocolate egg(s) into small pieces and place in a heatproof bowl
  2. Add water to the pot. You only want to add a few inches of water, you never want the water to touch the bottom of the bowl.
  3. Heat the water over medium heat. Once the water comes to a boil place your bowl on top of the pot.
  4. Place the chocolate pieces in the bowl and  melt the chocolate.
  5. Whilst the chocolate is melting, put the biscuits into a freezer bag and then bash them with a rolling pin. You are aiming for both crumbs and pieces of biscuits.
  6. Once the chocolate has melted, remove from the pot and carefully fold the biscuit pieces and crumbs into the melted chocolate mixture, and then add the marshmallows and other ingredients of your choice .Make sure they are well coated.
  7. Tip into a foil tray for the amount of ingredients you have; and flatten as best you can with a spatula.
  8. Refrigerate for about 6 hours or overnight.
  9. Cut into squares and dust with icing sugar by pushing it gently through a tea strainer or small sieve.




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