Tips To Keep Healthy This Winter


I don’t know about you, but January is a month for hibernation. Although January is my birthday month, I don’t really enjoy that fact that everyone is generally skint after Christmas and New Year celebrations, not to mention the cold short days and the dark evenings. So, for me, it’s a good excuse for me to snuggle down in my warm onesie, with a hot cup of chocolate and watch a good film or two.

However, it’s important to keep active and stay healthy but it can be challenging during this time. So here are 5 tips on how to keep healthy and uplifted during the coming months:-

  • Eat a balance diet – make sure you are eating lots of fruit and veg. Fruit is a good source of vitamin C which is a great for boosting the immune system. Cook hearty stews, casseroles, and warming soups as they are a great way to get your veggies and keep your tummy feeling warm and cosy. Check out my tasty winter warming Parsnip soup
  • Open your windows –  Allow some fresh air circulating throughout the house, especially the bedrooms. It’s so tempting to keep your home free for the cold but just 10-15 minutes per day can dramatically reduce your risk of illness from a build-up of viruses and bacteria.
  • Stress and Sleep – When you are under stress the stress hormones cortisol increases, weaken your immune system and making you susceptible to colds and illnesses. Stress can compromise your sleep so try to get plenty of sleep with regular early night. To help you unwind further why not have a relaxing hot bath or do some gentle stretches before bed.
  • Stay hydrated – It’s so easy to forget to drink water when the weather gets cold.  Drinking water helps flush toxins from your body. If you get a cold or are ill, keeping yourself hydrated will help you feel better. Keeping yourself hydrated will help you feel better and good hydration helps clear congestion. If you can’t face drinking cold water, herb teas are a good alternative.
  • Keep active – When it’s cold and dark, you might not be that motivated to exercise. There is some research suggesting that moderate exercise can strengthen the immune system, thereby reducing the risk of coughs and colds. If the shorter days are affecting your mood, being active can improve your sense of wellbeing. It is said that changes in the atmospheric pressure as the air gets colder, the fluid inside your joints moves less freely, making your joints stiff and less mobile. Wrap up and go for a brisk walk, there are lots of great walks and parks in and around the Bedford area. If you are a bit like me and dislikes the cold, try some home exercise classes, there are plenty on Youtube that caters for everyone’s tastes and abilities.

If you find that you are suffering from more aches and pains due to the cold weather, a trip to your osteopath can help lessen joint inflammation and help to improve your mobility. Why not book an appointment today and discover how osteopathy can help you feel and move better this winter, contact Wini Thomas on 07490 686 183 or visit my website


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