Patient Information

I offer a comprehensive approach to natural health care and committed to providing safe, effective treatment and quality care for all my patients. I continually seek to expand my knowledge and expertise in osteopathy and healthcare in order to achieve my commitment to you.

The purpose of this information is to enlighten you about your visit to the clinic and to explain what you should expect on your first appointment. Please take the time to read the information carefully as this will help you to familiarise yourself and get the best from your osteopathic treatment. If you are under the age of 16 you need to be accompanied at all times by your parent or guardian.

Please feel free to ask any questions or raise any concerns you may have at the time of your appointment.

What to expect from your osteopathy appointment

Your initial visit

At your first consultation, your osteopath will take a detailed medical history including any medication that you may be taking, information about your lifestyle – such as your level of physical activity, your work environment and your diet. You may also be asked about the health of close family members. All this information will enable your osteopath to ascertain what the cause your problem. For example, is pain in your neck and/or shoulder due to carrying heavy laptop all day or is there another cause?
After your history has been taken, a physical examination then follows. You will be asked to remove some of your clothing (often down to your underwear) and perform a series of simple movements. Please wear appropriate clothing, if you are concerned about dressing down to your underwear, feel free to bring along some gym wear/shorts.

Your osteopath will assess the alignment and mobility of your body by observing your range of movement and by gently examining your spine, shoulders and associated muscles as you perform these movements in order to diagnosis your condition.

After the examination a diagnosis and an appropriate treatment plan will be discussed.

Depending on the outcome of your examination your osteopath may be required to write a letter to your GP, to refer you for further tests, X-rays etc if treatment  cannot performed there and then.

Your Treatment

Depending on your condition, your treatment may consist of one or more of the following techniques:
• Muscle testing to measure the muscle, joint, nerve relationship
• Soft tissue work and stretching to promote relaxation
• Mobilisation/articulation
• Muscle resistance procedures to release tension
• Joint manipulation to restore mobility
• Cranial techniques to improve vitality and promote healing and health

Osteopaths help your body to heal itself as the healing process comes from within you. One or two exercises may be suggested, perhaps to stretch and improve mobility, or to strengthen a specific area of weakness. Overall exercise and general lifestyle may be discussed to help maintain good health.
You may need to return for a follow-up visit, but depending on the nature of your complaint I aim to keep visits to a minimum. Some people with more long-term chronic problems do find regular “maintenance” treatments useful in their progress.

Clinic Policies

Appointments – What I ask of my patients

Please be on time for your appointments and please be patient if I am running over time. Occasionally to give the best care to my patients I may need to give you or another patient more attention than the allotted time. I have a treatment policy of doing what is required rather than what can be done in the time available and so as a result you may be asked to wait a little. If you have a tight schedule, please telephone or text ahead of your appointment to see if I am running on time.


Initial Consultation45 mins£70.00
Follow-up Appointment30 minutes £60.00
Reassessment Appointment (for patients that have not been to the clinic of more than 12 months45 mins£70.00

Applied Kinesiology
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Cancellation Policy

  • I understand your time is valuable, and appreciate that your diary may change and require you to reschedule your appointment. My only requirement is that you endeavour to give me at least 24 hours notice of any change in the agreed appointment time.
  •  In the case of a late cancellation (less than 24 hours from the time arranged), unless your appointment slot is subsequently taken by another patient, you will be charged a late cancellation fee of £20.
  • If you do not cancel or fail to attend your appointment, there will be a FULL FEE no-show charge. Please be advised that, you can leave a message by text or call on my 24-hour telephone answering service outside normal practice hours.


  • If you are under the age of 16 you need to be accompanied at all times by your parent or guardian.
  •  A friend or relative of a vulnerable adult wishing to accompany the patient to a consultation or treatment must first obtain the patient’s consent that they intend to accompany them into the treatment room itself.


• We accept payment by cash or cheque only.

Health Insurance

Before attending your appointment, please ensure that you have authorisation from your insurance company if you intend to claim for your treatment. Please also ascertain the amount you can claim for each session as some insurance companies now cap the amount they payout for each session which may not cover the cost of your treatment .  In some cases your insurers will require you to be referred by your GP before your initial visit with your osteopathy as your GP may be need sign your claim form before you attend your first visit.

I am currently registered with the following Private health Insurers:

• PruHealth
• Norwich Union
• Standard Life
• Exeter Friendly Society
• Clinicare
• CS Healthcare
• Medisure
• Universal Provident