Yeap it’s January and the start of a new year, time to take down the Christmas decorations and for many people, a time to start making those health and fitness goals for 2018.
We are continually bombarded whether it be via glamour magazines or tv adverts which offer the latest detox programmes, diets and slimming classes and of course January wouldn’t be January if gyms were not full up with new members promising “this year will be the year to become the fitter, healthier me”… we have all been there, done it and given up by the end of February!
How many times have we set health goals at this time of year and didn’t follow it through? January is said to be the most miserable month of the year, with shorter cold days, dark nights, not to mention our pockets feeling the pinch after the onslaught of all the festive cheer. So it’s not surprising that many don’t follow their goals through! It seems a bit SAD to me – pun intended!
This time of year in my opinion is the worst time to set such goals and here’s a few reasons why:-
- The cold winter months increases hunger due to loss of energy to keep your body warm and as a result we tend to eat more. I know my body is crying out for hot comfort foods, such as a good bowl of soup or a hearty casserole. So to challenge your body by dieting and cutting down on portion size goes during this time must go against what your body is inherently wanting to do.
- When it’s cold and pitch black outside, it’s so difficult to get motivated to go to the gym or class after coming home from work when all you want to do is have a hot bath and sit by the tv with a hot cup of coco…Do I get an Amen??
- People do nothing all year, then January – bang! They hit gym pushing weights without no thought or preparation, leaving themselves prone to injury. As an Osteopath I have witnessed my diary getting full because patients have over done it at the gym or started running at a distance that their body is not ready for.
Let me make myself clear at this point, I am not saying one should be a couch potato during the winter months, I think it is important to exercise all year with some form of exercise especially during the winter. Research has shown that exercise is good in order to ward of the effects of the ‘winter blues’ but wouldn’t the spring be a better time to implement these new intentions if they are not already part of your daily routine?
Think about it, spring for me brings the start of warmer and lighter days. Spring give a sense of rejuvenation, renewal and rebirth, all you have to do is take a look around in nature; the blossoms are emerging, the birds are busy doing what they do best, more delicious seasonal veg are starting to be available. This could be said for our body’s too, as our moods reflect the changing seasons and it is at this time I feel would make the perfect time to commit to a new healthy eating or exercise regime – out with the old and in with the new – out with New year health goals and Spring into new sustainable new health habits!
Set yourself a regular fitness regime in April by the time it come to the dark cold nights you won’t have to worry about as your routine will be set in stone.
You can find out more at If you have any further question or need any advice you can contact me on via email or call me on 07490 686 183.