Turn of events have got me thinking lately, another birthday just sprung itself on me – where did that year go?? Also a friend tragically passed away a few weeks ago from a brain haemorrhage, suddenly one begins to question one’s own health and mortality.
As an Osteopath I am continuously banging on to patients about the importance of eating well and incorporating regular exercise into their lifestyle. Our bodies are an ‘ocean of motion’ it is designed to move. It not that I don’t exercise don’t get me wrong, it just that I tend to go for a gentle walk or practice activities such as yoga, not to mention chasing after an energetic three year old – some could argue that’s exercise enough! It got me thinking “What about my cardiovascular fitness?” How would I fair putting my body through a more strenuous form of exercise after so long? Well it didn’t do too badly if I say so myself.
I attended my first local 5K Bedford Park Run and thankfully I am still here to write this blog! I like to thank the volunteers for their encouraging cheers and my new found running buddies…you know who you are!! Thoroughly enjoyed it and I finally got to use my running gear and running shoes for what they are actually designed for, other than a fashion accessory.
I started the day waking up to a glorious sunshine which quite frankly if it was raining I’m not sure if I would have made it out the house. With a green smoothie to get me energies for the feat ahead I put on my running gear and headed out the door with a bounce in my step. I really didn’t know what to expect and how I was going to approach the 5K run, all I knew was I didn’t want to send my body into complete shock or get any running injuries– now I couldn’t been seen doing that in my profession!
I begun the run by walking for the first five minutes or so to get the my muscles warm and heart pumping gently, then I decided that I would just paced myself (easier said than done you when you are passed by a 10 year old) with a gentle jog – definitely wouldn’t call it a run. I listened to my body, when I felt that I was getting too tired or certain muscle were on the verge of feeling like jelly, I changed to a fast walk. I focused on my breathing allowing the muscles to re-oxygenate, helped I think by doing my online yoga classes – knew that would come in handy! I not saying I found it a breeze, far from it but it was surprisingly doable. I finished the run in 38 mins and .03 secs.
So for everyone out there, like me that has a pair of running shoes gathering dust in the deepest dark corner of the cupboard, whatever you level of fitness, drag them out and find a local Park Run near you. The atmosphere is great and everyone is welcoming and encouraging. Not only is it a great way to get fit at your own pace but also a great place to meet new people. Remember don’t forget to stretch after…